St. Peter's Ruddington

Love God Love People no really.

Latest news update

A message from Andrew:

Dear Friends,
One of the great privileges that I have, as Vicar of St Peter's, is that I get to lead funerals.  It's a privilege that I share with two of our readers Mike and Jane.  This year, as you might have heard, we've had a lot of funerals.  Please could you pray for all of the families involved?  Here's a list of funerals just conducted, or that will happen in the next week:
Vivien Needham whose funeral took place on Wednesday 15th January
Steve Cartwright whose funeral took place on Friday 17th January
Angela Rudd whose funeral will take place 
on Friday 24th January 2pm at St Peters.
Stefan Jacques whose funeral will take place 
on Thursday 30th January 2.30pm at St Peters.

Please remember all of these families in your prayers.

God bless,

Prayer for the week: Please prayer for little P's as they care for little ones, their parents, grandparents, carers and childminders.

Men Wanted – to enjoy a hot breakfast on Saturday 8th February. Following the enjoyable breakfast gathering last November, the MenFolk of St Peter's will be meeting again for a "Full English" next month. This is the ideal opportunity for relaxed conversation and a chance to catch-up with each other. We’ll also be giving details of next June's canal boat trip so come along if you want to hear all about it.
Book your place by emailing, stating any dietary requirements. Cost: £5 cash on the day – 
8.30am in The Hermitage, Saturday, 8th February.

Tuesday sewing group: We have a small sewing group in the Hermitage garden room on Tuesday mornings. People bring their own crafting activities and work together. It's a very friendly morning with coffee and biscuits for £2.50. (If we have more people, we can reduce the fee). If you're interested, let Nikki know or just turn up to the Hermitage at 10 am on Tuesday.


Rotas: We are about to do the new Sunday rotas from the beginning of February to the end of May. If you'd like to join our rota for stewarding, reading, prayers or technical support (sound desk / Powerpoint), let Andrew, Louisa Sellers or one of the Wardens (Mic Robins or Nikki Roe) know. Full training will be given. We have a fantastic set of volunteers, come and join them.


Message from Dorothy: The latest edition for our Eternal Wall Of Answered Prayer is on our prayer table near the vestry door. It can also be found by clicking this link: EWOAP. I have a few new answers to prayer to put on our St Peter's Wall Of Answered Prayer notice board. Thanks very much to those people who have written them. It would be lovely to have some new answers to prayer from St Peter's. I have been encouraged to hear of and see some visitors to our church over the Christmas festivities reading them. Several church members have been telling me of some wonderful answers to prayer they've had recently. I would like to encourage our new members of St Peter's to submit one (or more!) to the Wall, and on the website. If you send me a copy at I'll laminate it and put it on the noticeboard. It can have your name on or you can choose to be anonymous. Thank you.





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