St. Peter's Ruddington

Love God Love People no really.

Latest news update

A message from Andrew:

Dear Friends,

Lent Course 25 - ‘Being loved into life’ Each Monday, in church, 
7pm 10th March - 7th April.

This year I’d like to invite everyone to our Lent course, in which I’d like to share some insights into prayer that have literally transformed my life!  Each week Andrew Third and I, will be exploring different aspects of prayer, together with some practical outworking. It should be engaging, challenging, instructive, refreshing and enriching.  I do hope that everyone will come along!

God bless,

Church Electoral Roll - important: Every 6 years the church electoral roll has to be renewed; the last time we did this was 2019, so this year it needs to be compiled from scratch again. Everyone in church over the age of 16 who wishes to be on the electoral roll must complete a registration form. Being on the electoral roll is an official way of showing you are part of our church family; it means you can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and stand for election to the PCC.
All forms must be handed in by 
Tuesday 4 March 2025. Please pick up a form from the back of church and return them in the box that’s next to the forms. Alternatively, you can complete the form electronically by downloading it from this link: Electoral Roll Form. Then email the form to before the deadline. If you have any questions, email the office and our Electoral Roll Officer Jenny Boniface will respond.


Wheelchair wanted - Do you have a wheelchair that you no longer need? Or do you know of someone who is no longer needing a wheelchair?  If you do, and you or they are looking to part with the wheelchair - please contact Debbie King on .  Many thanks.

Christians Against Poverty: Here is the link to the latest newsletter from Christians Against Poverty, one of the charities that the church supports. Christians Against Poverty Newsletter.


Rota: The Sunday morning rota has gone out to everyone on the list. If you've not received it, let Nikki Roe know and she will send it out. Louisa Sellers is creating some WhatsApp groups to make communicating about swaps etc easier. If you're happy to be involved in this, and are on the Sunday rota list, send Louisa your phone number. I sent Louisa's email out in a separate email to rota members on Monday.

Men Wanted – to enjoy a hot breakfast on Saturday 8th February. Following the enjoyable breakfast gathering last November, the MenFolk of St Peter's will be meeting again for a "Full English" next month. This is the ideal opportunity for relaxed conversation and a chance to catch-up with each other. We’ll also be giving details of next June's canal boat trip so come along if you want to hear all about it.
Book your place by emailing, stating any dietary requirements. Cost: £5 cash on the day – 
8.30am in The Hermitage, Saturday, 8th February.

Tuesday sewing group: We have a small sewing group in the Hermitage garden room on Tuesday mornings. People bring their own crafting activities and work together. It's a very friendly morning with coffee and biscuits for £2.50. (If we have more people, we can reduce the fee). If you're interested, let Nikki Roe know or just turn up to the Hermitage at 10 am on Tuesday.

Children's Activities: There are organised children’s activities provided by St Peter’s and Ruddington Baptist Churches most Sundays (term time only) 
from 11:00 - 11:45am in St Peter’s Rooms where the Baptist Church meet. Generally the age group catered for is  KS1, KS2 and KS3. Younger children would need a parent with them. We also have a creche for our youngest children.

Your News Snippets Still Wanted: For example, any challenges that have been overcome or what Christian resources you have found helpful. Or indeed, any other faith or church-related news. So, if you have something you would like to share, it doesn’t have to be “special”, send your contribution to Nikki Roe at – suggested length about 250 words maximum.



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